Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 7, 2010

Ms. Mauleen Maly                                            Ms. Michele J. Calderon Johns
RML Specialty Hospital                                     Clarian Health
5601 South County Line Road                            P. O. Box 1367
Hinsdale, Illinois 60521                                      Indianapolis, Indiana 46206

FAX:     630-286-4109                                       Fax:      317-962-4533

Dear Ms. Maly and Ms. Calderon Johns:

I understand from what my lawyer has related to me about your conversations that RML is willing to have Linda transferred there as a patient, and that, but for a discharge order from Dr. Tector or one of his colleagues, I U Hospital is ready to transfer Linda to RML. It is Linda’s wish that the transfer proceed expeditiously. It occurs to me that if a physician’s refusal to write an order for the transfer is the only thing standing in the way of Linda’s transfer, Linda has the right to sign herself out of I U Hospital against medical advice and be moved to RML, if RML would take her as a patient under those circumstances. In the current situation, it seems to me that this would be the best way to accomplish what Linda wants as soon as possible.

            I am told that tremors caused by one or more of Linda’s medications may make it difficult for her to sign her name to the paperwork for leaving I U Hospital against medical advice. However, that fact alone is no reason to keep her a prisoner there against her express wish to be transferred to RML. I am still on Linda’s health care power of attorney, and I am available to sign for her if that is what I U Hospital would require.

            I have been told that some hospital officials are telling people that there is some sort of court order prohibiting direct communication between me and my wife Linda while she is at Indiana University Hospital. I have never been served with any such order from any court in Indiana or Illinois. If either of you is aware of the existence of such a court order, I would appreciate if you would provide me with a copy of it, along with papers respecting any other court action I U Hospital or Clarian Health has initiated or participated in regarding Linda’s care and treatment there, or her communication with me. If there is no such court order known to you, please confirm that fact to me in writing.

            I respectfully request particularly from Ms. Calderon Johns that she identify any legal authority relied upon by Indiana University Hospital or Clarian supporting any further delay in implementing Linda’s transfer to RML in Hinsdale. I would be happy to discuss the transfer arrangements with either of you, or any of the recipients of copies of this letter identified below.

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