Tuesday, September 28, 2010

August 15, 2010

Dear Linda:

I wish I could still be in your room with you.

The hospital security guards had me arrested and sent to jail for trying to come in your room and talk to you last Tuesday while Debbie was with you. After that they moved you to a secret location in the hospital, and they have made it very clear they will have me arrested again if I set foot on Hospital property.

Dr. Tector has told Debbie and everyone else I am trying to kill you for the life insurance money. All I have ever done is try to get the doctors and nurses to do whatever you have told me you want them to do, like let you take yourself off the ventilator. Dr. Tector says we are both crazy to want that since he believes you will make a full recovery. I say it is up to you to decide how long and how hard you want to go on fighting. I will back up whatever decision you make. Debbie is afraid to let you go for her own selfish reasons.

Chuck was allowed to visit you and tells me all the doctors and nurses are telling him I was trying to hurt or kill you.  You know that is not true. I love you very much and I want you to have as much or as little treatment as you decide to have or not have. They wouldn't even let Chuck bring his cell phone in your room so I could let you hear the sound of my voice. I hate this.

Please know that I am fighting to make them let me in to see you. I have a meeting Tuesday with an Indiana lawyer for just that purpose. I will never give up on you and I have not given up on you or abandoned you now. I have no idea what sort of terrifying things they are telling you about me. Debbie will not answer my phone calls or e-mails and has unfriended me on Facebook so I won't see when she is on to chat with her. I don't know why she hates me so much.

My selfish wish is for you to be strong, get well and come home to me.  My job as your advocate and power of attorney is to see to it that the doctors and nurses follow your wishes, whatever those wishes may be, and whether the doctors and nurses like them or not. I will fight to the end to make them do just that.

I love you and miss you.

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