Monday, September 27, 2010

July 25, 2010

Linda had a restful day Saturday, after her temporary tracheotomy and temporary gastrointestinal feeding tube were placed in two separate surgeries Friday. The swelling and redness on her face from the ET tube being there so long are almost completely subsided this morning. She is awake, alert,  eyes open, and responding to commands to squeeze a hand or wiggle her toes given by the nursing staff. She tries to talk. Sometimes we can read her lips, but of course until they get her on the Passy Muir valve and train her to talk with the trache cuff deflated, she can't make any sound.

They are giving her all the medications through her feeding tube now, as well as beginning the tube feedings and weaning her off the TPN. This should accelerate her healing. Yesterday, and again last night, they did trials of her breathing with a trache collar, completely off the ventilator, and she went a little longer during each trial. The last on during the night was nearly three hours. This is the process required to get her back to breathing completely on her own. She is once again working hard at everything she needs to do to get better. I thought the last three weeks we were losing her, but she is back and fighting for her life again.

One of the things we all need to keep in mind is not to put too much pressure on her to work too hard or get all better too soon. Linda knows how much work this is going to be for her, and she is aware of the emotional toll the slow pace of her recovery is taking on friends and family. I'm trying so hard to make her feel that all of this is worthwhile and not a burden on the rests of us. I do read your e-mails to her, so when you write or visit please remember to be upbeat, but at the same time not unrealistically positive - that sort of talk makes her feel tired and apprehensive about meeting our expectations for her recovery. I tell her we will take this one day at a time for however long it takes.

I want all of you to know that your kind thoughts and fervent prayers have carried us through everything that has transpired so far, and we thank you for them and will depend on them as we move forward along the long road back from everything that has occurred. The fact that all of you make time and effort for us even after meeting your own needs and obligations emotionally and spiritually is a testament to your individual strength and also to the better nature of humanity. We are completely humbled by this.

I will continue to keep everyone posted on Linda's progress. Keep your cards and e-mails coming. They do really cheer her up when we get them, and help to pass the time between breathing treatments, blood draws and sponge baths. Her address here at the hospital right now is:

4520 TICU
University of Indiana Hospital
550 University Boulevard
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Thanks to all of you for everything.

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